Friday 3 February 2023

Adventurer Magazine #1 Review


My current rpg collecting is now in its final form, which is as follows;
1 - D&D stuff (mainly Forgotten Realms but a little bit fluid).
2 - Traveller stuff - as much as I want.
3 - OD&D - good luck with that on my budget!
4 - UK RPG magazines.
So (4) is where we are at here. UK magazines are generally cheapish and readily available, in fact  generally can be more than the item itself.
I will subsequently list what I have and where I'm at but for now here is a new acquisition, Adventurer #1.

Brief review, it's ok.
90p in 1986 seems about right and it has a reasonable amount of content.
The fantasy adventurer, of which this is part one of 2 is formulaic but solid, nothing new in heaven and earth but ok.
The CoC adventure is actually quite decent but again, nothing much is new. The maps though are quite decent , but seem a bit overproduced for what is required (1986 was a bit like this though).
Miniatures stuff is again of its time, standard issue figures by decentish painters.
The reviews shine, seem well balanced and well thought out, good stuff.
Adverts if course are a joy, we can never get back to the halcyon years where all these products were on, and remained on, shelves in the high street. I know that times have changed but......

Little snippet on the news page, true that but whatever.

Great advice

See what I mean, a bit overdone.

You should go to this, and maybe try and buy some D&D stuff.