Monday 7 January 2019

First post of the new year and I haven't got a great deal to say, so just a brief stream of consciousness to get things going.

Part 1

I recently purchased a copy of Fr16 The Shining South from ebay which is a great item, just so you know. At the moment I am slowly but surely rebuying all of the Forgotten Realms items that I once owned and foolishly sold. I brought this for a fairly acceptable amount and when it arrived it turned out to be a softback reprint. This was my bad -the  auction clearly stated that it was a new reprint, I just hadn't read the description properly. The moral of this story is to pay attention - I have no issue with the seller and left positive feedback, after all he had done nothing wrong. However the same seller got a little bit of flak on a forum that I frequent which I felt was unfair. Without going into too many details why I generally don't use forums as much any more just because people are idiots - your thoughts??!!

Part 2

On KODT. Check out the Kickstarter and it's creator Ken Whitman for the Live Action videos.
Hours of endless fun for all the family and a great example of why kickstarter is potentially a bloody disaster!!

Part 3

I still haven't painted any of my miniatures - definitely this year, definitely.

Part 4

Looking for some new podcasts to listen too so any recommendations gratefully received.
(BTW please listen to the Grognard Files and the Smart Party, can't recommend either one enough.)

Part 5

There is no part 5.

Keep on gaming, or not if you're me!

Take Care
