Wednesday 20 January 2021

2021 collecting goals

 So, a new year has dawned, with more of the same to look forward to it seems.

Nothing huge to say really, just continuing on my  quest to buy back all the stuff I sold a few years ago. 

10 years ago my goal was - every standard Forgotten Realms RPG item, every Traveller LBB era item and a complete OD&D collection.

I gave it a good go and was almost there but for 'reasons' it all had to go.

So now I'm back to it, and of course the price of most of this stuff has increased pretty much exponentially. Never mind, I'm in no hurry and don't really have a plan of any kind except hoping for the best. 

The OD&D is an issue- I have had 3 white boxes over the years and all the supplements but the prices on these are now ridiculous. I have 3 of the supplements that cost me around 25-30 quid each but I fear the box set may be my white whale. Hey ho, the rules are a bit crap anyway! I have just read a little of my Gods Demigods and Heroes book and it is truly awful. Layout and formatting are a joke and the foreword concerning Monty Hall games has to be read to be believed, truly a book of its time.

Anyway that's it for now, 
