Sunday 10 March 2019

Wargames Books - All the Basics are Here?

I've just taken delivery of an auction lot that I won online. The description was pretty vague and the photos were equally poor. The auction house difinitely did the seller a dis-service as I got them for a song (In fact shipping was over twice as much as the final auction cost!)
I took a bit of a punt on this, hoping that I could make a bit of a profit on reselling it and I think I did all right.
Included were a load of random wargames mags, including lots of Plastic Warriors, White Dwarfs and a whole heap of Del Prado Osprey stuff.

What really got me though were the wargames books - see the photos attached. All of the good stuff is here, Featherstone and all his jolly friends

 This is quite literally an old school starter set of required reading. Copies of the books that I borrowed from the library all those years ago.

Sadly they are all getting sold - that was the point after all - but its still great to have a little peruse - this stuff is absolutely timeless.

Until the next time
