Tuesday 2 October 2018

2000AD - A brief update and some sad news

Obviously this is all over twitter but just a brief note concerning the sad death of Carlos Ezquerra.
2000AD fans will need no reminding of his influence and talent. I won't go on - others will be more eloquent and informed than I ever could be.

There are plenty of places to get more information but here is a link to get you started from the Guardian.


In other news, and also all over twitter and the internet in general is the "Judge Dredd and Worlds of 2000AD" Kickstarter.
Looks absolutely wonderful, funded in under an hour and a very short lead time for a Kickstarter.
I still haven't pulled the trigger - mainly because I simply don't play games!! It does say a lot about this though because I am still wavering!! My problem is I like physical books so the PDF is of no interest to me - we'll see how the bank balance is doing nearer to this items close.


Until the next time,
